Saturday, November 5, 2011


Welcome to my new blog site and my first post!  I started this site for several reasons, but a main one is that I seem to be getting the same questions these days from lots of different people--clients, students, friends, family.  I figured if so many people that I personally know are dealing with the same types of issues, maybe there are a lot more people trying to do the same thing. 

I decided it would be a good idea to have a public forum where people could ask questions and get some thoughts from a professional counselor (that's me!) and even hear what others may be doing about the same problems.  I hope this will be helpful! 

Ask away . . . .   :-)


  1. Where would you direct parents if they suspect their teen is using drugs?

  2. A friend of mine has recently threatened suicide. He's in junior high and most the time it's for attention, like when he gets mad at his girlfriend. He's also said it in front of his mom. She's really worried. How do you handle threats like that?
