Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Friend threatening suicide

See this question under the Welcome post:

A friend of mine has recently threatened suicide. He's in junior high and most the time it's for attention, like when he gets mad at his girlfriend. He's also said it in front of his mom. She's really worried. How do you handle threats like that?

While it may seem to be something he's doing for attention, this is actually a very serious issue and needs to be addressed soon--like NOW.  I always look at suicide threats this way . . . if someone needs attention so badly that they feel threatening suicide is the only way to get it, then by all means pay attention to them!  Could there be a clearer signal!?!  Someone needs to see what is going on.  Is he dealing with a lot of difficult emotion?  Is there something in his life he can't get under control? 

Of course I don't know if he actually has any intent or plans to commit suicide, but just the fact that he is mentioning it is dangerous.  It means he is thinking about it at some level, and that he could be (or already is) getting more comfortable with the idea of doing it. 

Since he has mentioned it to his mom, my utmost hope is that she is taking it seriously and trying to talk to him about it.  I also hope she is seeking some professional help for him--counseling, seeing a doctor, etc.  The worst thing to do is dismiss it as "just trying to get attention." 

As for his friends:  Be there for himTalk to himListen to himTry to understand what he is feeling--whether or not you think he is "right."  You don't have to have all the answers of how to fix things . . . you just have to let him know you are his friend . . . that he can trust you . . . that you genuinely care about him. 

And if his mom is not taking it seriously for some reason, tell another adult.  Tell a teacher or the school counselor, or the school nurse, or a neighbor, or anybody else you can think of that will get him some help.  That is what he needs most.  Don't worry about him getting mad at you for telling someone.  While it is possible that he will get mad initially, he won't stay mad.  And keeping him safe is more important than keeping his secret. 

If you want to write back to me with more specifics on who and where he is, I will try to get him some help.  Best wishes to all of you.   


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